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Algeria's Accession Date
Convention instituting the World Intellectual Property Organization of 1967, modified in 1979
The promotion of the protection of the Intellectual Property (Industrial Property and copyright) and the administrative cooperation between the Intellectual Property Unions.
Convention of Paris of 1883, revised the last time in Stockholm (1967) and modified in 1979.
Protection of the Industrial Property (inventions, marks, palns and models, original naming) it fixes the basic principals; (equating foreigners and nationals) and general rules of protection.
Madrid Agreeement of 1891 revised in Stockholm in 1967 and modified in 1979
International registration of marks athe International Bureau of WIPO (OMPI), capable of producing effects in many member countries.
Nice Agreement of 1957, revised in Stockholm in 1967 and modified in 1979
International Classification of products and services aimed for registration of marks.
Lisbon Agreement of 1958, revised in Stockholm in 1967 and completed in 1979
Protection of the original namings and their international registration at the International Bureau of WIPO (OMPI).
Madrid Agreement of 1891 completed by the Act of Stockholm (1967)
Repression of false or fallacious indication of origin on the products (by seizure at import or other sanctions).
Nairobi Treaty (1981)
Protection of the Olympic Symbol against its commercial use without autorisation from the International Olympic Commitee.
Treaty of cooperation regarding patents (1970)
Filing of an «international » application of patent. It fixes the formal conditions to which each international application must satisfy.