Activities & Services




- Research related to the availability of a denomination, of a figurative trademark or a logo.

- Research of Company Names.

- Studies and consultations on the possible risks encoutered.

- Usage investigations.

- Negociations aimed for agreements of coexistence.

- Licence Agreements.

- Filings and registrations of trademarks in Algeria.

- Filings and registrations abroad.

- International trademark filing (Madrid agreement).

- Trademark.

- Usage declarations.

- Followup of administrative procedures of examinations aimed for registrations.

- Appeals against provisional refusals of registrations.

- Disputes.

- Complaints.

- Summons for interrogations.

- Official Reports and seizures - counterfeits.

- Followup of legal prosecutions in Algeria.

- Assignments.

- Monitoring of trademarks registered by third parties (coming soon as a service).



Our firm assists and represents you to protect your trademarks in Algeria. It gives advice in order to insure acceptance of your filing of trademarks with regards to the form.

Check :

Prior to the filing of your trademark, we offer to check by anteriority search for the availability of the sign that you wish to affix on your products and services, to measure the risk encountered by your application in case of existence of similar anterior trademarks.

Filing :

We will be in charge of establishing the documents required for the filing of your trademarks at the INAPI and the national departments of the Industrial Property in the foreign countries.

We insure the followup of the registration procedure in order to obtain an official title of property, legally binding.

Defend :

Two types of discussions can be engaged during the registration procedure in which we get involved in:

- With the Administration, which could reject fully or partially the registration of your trademark.

- With a third party which holds a legally binding right and which threatens by action of cancellation before the legal authorities.

Trademarks watch (service coming soon):

We also provide, with relation to our Legal Service, to watch the publication of trademarks to advise you of possible registrations that could cause you prejudice (similar trademarks could have been missed by the INAPI's censorship).

Inform :

Our Trademarks service insures the daily and permanent management of your rights by keeping you informed of legal and regulatory modifications and mainly by reminding you 2 months in advance of the commitments of your registrations.

To protect against possible transmission mistakes, we will remind you, once more, during the following month, about the commitment of your trademarks in order to avoid a charge of a delayed payment which is not wanted.

Formulation :

We assist you in formulating the private agreements acts carrying assignment or concession of trademarks licences as well as their registration in the trademark special registry of the Trademarks held by the INAPI.

Our firm is also in charge of the registration procedure of any change related to the holder.

Protection :

We can insure an assistance for the protection of the copyright before the National Copyright Department (Office National des Droits d'Auteurs ONDA).