Activities & Services

Domain Names



The domain names (.dz /


- Research on the names availability.

- Definition of the protection strategy

- Registration of domain names under .dz and

- Registration of domain names under .com, .org, .net

- Registration of domain names in any country, especially USA, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, ... etc.

- Monitoring (service coming soon)

- Legal Watch

- Disputes in Algeria and abroad



The very fast development and the impressive progress of the Internet network has allowed the very recent opening of this Service specialised in domain names.

Inform :

Numerous difficulties, on both the legal and technical levels, arise with the development of a new legal system protecting the domain names.

Our Service informs you on the nature of this new protection system, on the consequences and the opportunities to book domain names.

We keep you informed of all technical and legal evolutions related to the domain names.

Advise :

The domain name has in common, with the trademark system, its complexity, to which adds up the new character and a regulatory setting in constant evolution.

Our Service advises you on the strategy to put in place to book the domain names, and this mainly with regards to your industrial and intellctual property holdings.

Check :

We proceed to checks in different domains during the booking, on the availabiliy of the name (either in international or in one of the 180 countries where you would like your sign to be affixed).

Register :

We proceed to the booking of your domain name in the internatioal domains (.com, .org, .net) as well as in one of the 180 countries where you would like your trademark as a domain name.

We will be in charge of taking care of all the required administration procedures.

Defend :

As soon as a booking for a domain name is made in an abusive way or if any harm to your trademark is attempted over the Internet, our Service intervenes in order to stop any trouble.

Domain names watch (service coming soon) :

We monitor the recordings of domain names and will alert you of any possible danger of confusion with your domain names.